Klash City Sound and Supafriendz, Elio Villafranca, BombaYo, The Braata Folk Singers

5:00 PM BombaYo performs traditional Afro Puerto Rican bombadrumming, which combines West African, Taino, and Spanish percussion. Presented in partnership with CaribBEING.

6:00 PM The Braata Folk Singers present Caribbean folk music representing the diverse cultures of the West Indies.

7:00 PM Cuban jazz pianist Elio Villafranca blends sounds from the island nations of Puerto Rico, Santo Domingo, Haiti, Jamaica, and Cuba.

9:00 PM Klash City Sound System and Supa Frendz perform a mash up of reggae, punk, and hip-hop, expanding mainstream notions about Caribbean music.


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Target First Saturdays