…And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead, The Black Lips, Health, Grupo Fantasma

trail_of_deadSunday July 26 2:00 PM

The Pool Parties Brooklyn
90 Kent Ave Brooklyn, NY

…And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead
is not the name of a Sam Raimi horror flick. The Trail Of Dead are a prog rock band from Austin, TX. Being around since 1994, they have developed into a group with a full on arena stage presence and sound.

Atlanta, GA’s The Black Lips have a wild garage punk sound. Since 2000, they have been known to put on a wild show. So you may have a chance to witness The Black Lips have a memorable performance in Brooklyn.

Health. A Los Ageles electronic prog rock band.

Grupo Fantasma are a Latin music band from Austin, TX.