Hoods, Huff This, Amelia Jackie, Sasha Dobson

sashadobsonPetes’s Candy Store
709 Lorimer Street
Brooklyn, NY 11211

Sasha Dobson 8:30 PM
Every Sunday night at Pete’s Candy Store, songstress Sasha Dobson will be performing original music from her forthcoming album. In the cozy red-lit back room, Dobson transports listeners w/ a pleasantly new best this or that questions perspective of folk/rock and bossa……A rare escapes from the hustle of the new york club scene into a space where music reigns supreme.

Amelia Jackie 9:30

Huff This! 10:30
A piano/drum driven female duo that consists of Molly Allis and Alison Clancy, HUFF THIS! is an dreamy collage of pop, classical, and folk. Their music has been described as “pan-sexual acid pop” and “dream thrash.

Hoods 11:15
DJ shadow meets european house music plus a strobe light