Les Ballets Jazz de Montréal: Leonard Cohen’s Dance Me

Originally commissioned before Leonard Cohen’s death and with his blessing, LES BALLETS JAZZ DE MONTRÉAL‘s sprawling homage to his songs “is a grandly executed hodgepodge of performance art that pushes the entertainment value of contemporary dance closer to the level of a rock concert or big-budget musical.” (Ottawa Citizen) Choreographed by Andonis Foniadakis, Annabelle Lopez Ochoa, and Ihsan Rustem, the work debuted in Canada to great acclaim last year and the full piece will have its American premiere at the Bandshell.

Founded in 1972, Les Ballets Jazz de Montréal is a repertory company that remains grounded in the technique, rigour, and aesthetics of classical ballet while giving choreographers license to experiment within the form. Its distinctive style is at once artistic, sexy, explosive, original, and accessible. Since being named artistic director in 1998, Louis Robitaille has steered the company toward audiences open to new choreographic forms. Having presented more than 2,000 performances for over 2 million fans in 67 countries, BJM is a true ambassador of Canadian dance and artistic vitality across the globe.