Lincoln Center Out of Doors

Asphalt_OrchestraWednesday August 9 beginning at 12:00 PM

La Casita: A Home for the Heart/Un Hogar para el Corazón 12:00 PM
North Plaza/Hearst Plaza New York, NY

A beloved little house, a city garden, where poets and bands celebrate The Words. Una querida casita, un jardin urbano donde poetas y bandas celebran Las Palabras. Elizabeth Alexander, Estudiantina Boliviana, Hernán Bravo, José Conde, Don Fallo Figueroa and Grupo Son Candela, Bonnibel Fonbuena, Griot 3, Zora Howard, Moon Oak Joo, Sarah Kay, Cynthia “Ceez” Keteku, La 21 División, Matou featuring Soni Moreno & Ata Papa, Oveous Maximus, Pharaoh’s Daughter, and Bonafide Rojas
MC: Rich Villar.(Source)

Asphalt Orchestra 7:00 PM
Broadway Plaza
65th St & Broadway, New York, NY

Asphalt Orchestra is an iconoclastic 12-piece marching band conceived by Bang on a Can premieres ambitious processional music from every corner of the music world, works that coax funk from the funereal and would make a halftime show sparkle with sophistication. Choreographer Susan Marshall weds parade spectacle to new pieces by Tyondai Braxton (of Battles), Goran Bregovic, and Stew and Heidi Rodewald, and arrangements of songs by Björk, Meshuggah, Mingus, Nancarrow, and Zappa.

Commissioned by Bang on a Can with generous support from the Rockefeller Foundation’s New York Cultural Innovation Fund and by Lincoln Center for Lincoln Center Out of Doors.(Source)

CONTRA-TIEMPO: Against the Times and Plastico, ABAKUÁ Afro-Latin Dance Company: Island Fever and After Hour Funk 7:30 PM
Broadway Plaza
65th St & Broadway, New York, NY

CONTRA-TIEMPO, led by Los Angeles–based choreographer Ana María Alvarez and a dynamic group of community artists, fuses salsa, Afro-Cuban, West African, hip hop, and abstract dance-theater to create a blend of physically intense and politically astute performance. Frankie Martinez’s ABAKUÁ’s innovative union of classic New York–style “On 2” mambo and Afro-Caribbean elements, with hints of modern, jazz, and ballet, unleashes a scintillating explosion of “Afro-Latin funk.”(Source)